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Friday, April 30, 2010

I was thrilled to hear from my 1st pilot. He will be meeting us at the Rockwood airport on Sunday at 11:30. We will NOT fly in storms. So, if no flight~~ Randy will have to drive us to Mayo. We have a car on standby!
AND i got my schedule from Mayo in the mail today. It is crazy. Many appointments.
My emotions are stable as compared to yesterday.
I went to Casey's soccer practice, and between the sunlight, wind and pollen blowing, i was in BIG PAIN. I just cried and cried.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This has been the CRAZIEST few days.....
Once I got the call from Mayo, I started working the phones looking for transportation.
I found this wonderful organization call Angel Flights. They have been working with me for the last few days to schedule my flight arrangements. Praise GOD !!!!!
Randy & I have went thru our savings and just about maxed out our credit card over the past 16 months and couldn't afford the airline tickets......
Thanks to Angel Flights and our wonderful family who is helping with Casey and by giving us money to travel on, I am able to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
With Love

Monday, April 26, 2010

Anyone out there willing to fly me to Mayo Clinic for treatment??
Anyone ?????

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I am going to Mayo Clinic on May 3-4.
Don't know how we are getting there yet....
I will get my clinic Id # on Monday and can start working the phones for travel.
Praise GOD that I made it to this step. Pray that I make it into the study.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I spoke to soon and too loudly! My emotions are raging like a fire! I can't seem to grasp them.
Probably because I am waiting on info from Mayo Clinic (on drug study) for GD opth, or TED.
I should hear something today.
Every time I think I have a handle on this disease it throws me a curveball. I had a few good days this past week and now I am a basket case. I can't even imagine what my life would be like if i can get into this trial and get the drug..................
To be able to "see" again, its now been 16 months since I have driven a car due to light sensitivity and loss of depth perception.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I was able to sleep last night and I feel HUMAN!
It is wonderful, still no answer about drug trial acceptance.
And my eyes are dry today, I didn't dope them up last night with gel. SO i have had to use lots of drops to help me be able to see (as clearly as I do).
My emotions this past week seem to have been more stable than they have been in over a year.
I think that it is the new drug cymbalta that is making the difference.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I am made it past the first round of screening to be in a drug trail for TED at the Mayo Clinic!
I am thrilled, please pray with me that I be accepted into the program AND that I receive the drug treatment!
I am just awaiting on an appointment for final approval, once there I will get the shots that day. And then again 2 weeks later.
This drug treatment has an extremely high rate of killing-off the anti-bodys attacking my eyes. Then my eyes should be able to heal naturally.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Graves Conference just announced for October 21-24th !

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I am awake and ready for my first outing without hubby in over 18 months!
My grandmother is picking me up in about 5 hours and we are going to take some pics of the area that she grew up in. (Oliver Springs~ just a 20 min ride)
I am looking forward to spending time with her, I think that she has thyroid problems. She has recently told me that 2 of her sisters had "things" removed from their thyroids.
I pray that all goes well, without any anxiety attacks!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I was able to "understand" the bills this past week! I know that might sound a little strange, but I have had concentration and thought process issues for over a year now. It was wonderful.
Two really good days in a row
I'm riding the wave ~~~~~~

Monday, April 12, 2010

Today is the first day of Casey's Spring Break!! He has worked all day on science experiments that he found online. I am so thankful that he loves learning and science. He recently told me that he would find the cure for cancer (my mom has Leukemia), and then he would cure Graves!
I told him that might be exactly what GOD has planned for him!
Today was pretty good, I did have to take extra anxiety meds but I was able to truly enjoy the day with Casey for the first time in months!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I know that this is a strange request .. ..

If you are like us, money is really tight between dr's and meds. I really would like to take my son, and hubby, somewhere this summer for a vacation. If you are interested in a house swap email me and we will make a plan!
I live in East Tennessee, just an hour from the Great Smokey Mnts, Dollywood Pigeon Forge, Townsend and many other attractions. (I can make suggestions and help find deals and free offers)
My home is a large family home with 4 bed, 3bath, living, den, screened porch, covered porch, gas grill, above ground pool. Can easily sleep 8.
We are looking for something different....we usually go to the beach but since I have been sick with GD and TED. I just can't do that kind of trip!
Thanks for reading

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I slept all of Friday and most of today. It seems like my world is getting smaller and smaller. I keep trying to fight it....
But there is so much going on in my personal life to cause stress and we all know that GD thrives on stress!!
I feel so lost

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another sleepless night....
I am so upset at hubby's company. They are changing insurance carriers and we don't know how it is going to change our coverage! I'm sure is is going to be worse~~ it is EVERY time they change!!
I don't know what that means for OD surgery. I'm really struggling with anxiety and depression. I want to scream and then scream some more.
On another note~~
I am thankful for Jesus and the knowledge that I belong to Him. I have never experienced the kind of endless valleys that I have been trapped in for the last 2 years...but I know that the mountain top is there!!